different. i admire all the athletes out there, really, they have - different. i admire all the athletes out there, really, they have had . different. i admire all the athletes out there, really, they have had a| out there, really, they have had a very difficult time getting ready and obviously they have all had similar experiences. with andy, he trained. he has got to main training areas, one confined to the house, he trains outdoors in an area where he has got what we call rollers, a kind of treadmill for wheelchair racers, and he has got a heavy set of rollers in the garage. he was very, very focused. he kept going throughout in the house and obviously it is not the same fire zoom. everybody tries to do their best, the coaching team tries to do their best, but is that element missing of socialising with everybody else. sorry, i am a bit hoarse from shouting last night. we will let you off, i think that is understandable! jenny, just a quick one, have you had a chance to talk to him?