the state supreme court. and yesterday, the tennessee three faced expulsion votes fo daring to demand action afte six more children and school staff were shot to death wit an assault rifle at th nashville elementary schoo last week. a political debacle that turne into a fire storm last night after the nearly all white republican super majority vote to expel the two black lawmakers, but not the white lawmaker both president biden and forme president obama spoke out afte the traumatic speeches by stat representatives justin jones and justin pearson today, vice president harris flew international to respon to the ongoing protests agains gun violence and the expulsion of the black representatives that is where we had planned t start tonight. and we will have much more o tennessee coming up. but just after 5 pm texas time a trump-appointed federal judg ruled to suspend the fda s approval of the abortion pil mifepristone, siding wit anti-abortion groups in a case that could end up
that was vice president kamala harris in nashville today after meeting with the tennessee three justin jones, gloria johnson and justin pearson last night, former state representatives justin jones and justin pearson wer expelled from the tennesse house of representatives here is justin jones befor republicans in the tennessee legislature voted to remove hi from office. this is not about me. this is about those youn people who are asking us to us our position and to uphold our oath to protest and dissen from any action or legislation that is injurious to the people. i pray that we uphold our oath on this floor. because, colleagues, the world is watching. and the world did watch, as racist republicans in th tennessee legislature voted to
the state supreme court. and yesterday, the tennessee three faced expulsion votes fo daring to demand action afte six more children and school staff were shot to death wit an assault rifle at th nashville elementary schoo last week. a political debacle that turne into a fire storm last night after the nearly all white republican super majority vote to expel the two black lawmakers, but not the white lawmaker both president biden and forme president obama spoke out afte the traumatic speeches by stat representatives justin jones and justin pearson today, vice president harris flew international to respon to the ongoing protests agains gun violence and the expulsion of the black representatives that is where we had planned t start tonight. and we will have much more o tennessee coming up. but just after 5 pm texas time a trump-appointed federal judg ruled to suspend the fda s