The main topics discussed during the visit of the Polish Deputy Foreign Minister PaweÅ JabÅoÅski to Kenya, which took place on June 25, 2021, were the development of bilateral political and economic relations and the possibility of using Polish experience and know-how in the transformation and modernization of the Kenyan economy.
- Poland appreciates the influential position of Kenya on the African continent and recognizes its economic potential. We are particularly interested in revitalizing the political dialogue, also in the context of Kenya s current non-permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council.
As a country that, since the introduction of difficult reforms more than 30 years ago, has achieved significant economic success and used advanced technologies, including banking, digitization of health care services or increasing tax collection in that process, we have a lot to offer – emphasized Minister PaweÅ JabÅoÅski during a bila