actually overcome by smoke and fire. making a run for it is not much better. you should not flee on foot. you much likely would be safer in a structure that would protect you for a matter of moments. rather than being in the direct line of a fire. that fire front will move over you very rapidly, and you have a better chance of survivability by putting yourself in a structure. the correct answer is b, but if no structure is available the next option. find an open area with low fuel, that has dirt around it, that does not have something that will burn. you want stay away from trees, get yourself as low as you can. hopefully that fire front will pass over and you will be able to survive it. in the chaos, eric and his brother lose contact with their family. panicked, they decide to stay in their car and try to reach the
trapped. so by staying in in that vehicle you have only moments of fresh air until that vehicle s actually overcome by smoke and fire. making a run for it is not much better. you should not flee on foot. you much likely would be safer in a structure that would protect you for a matter of moments. that fire front will move over you very rapidly, and you have a better chance of survivability by putting yourself in a structure. the correct answer is b, but if no structure is available the next option. find an open area with low fuel, that doesn t have something that will burn. you want stay away from trees, get yourself as low as you can. in the chaos, eric and his brother lose contact with their family.
and based on that, you may be in an area that you may become trapped. so by staying in that vehicle you have only moments of fresh air until that vehicle s actually overcome by smoke and fire. making a run for it is not much better. you should not flee on foot. you most likely would be safer in a structure that would protect you for a matter of moments rather than being in the direct line of a fire. that fire front will move over you very rapidly, and you have a better chance of survivability by putting yourself in a structure. the correct answer is b, but if no structure is available the next option. the best way of escape outside a vehicle is to find an open area with low fuel, that has dirt around it, that does not have something that will burn. you want stay away from trees, get yourself as low to the ground as you possibly can. hopefully that fire front will
actually overcome by smoke and fire. and making a run for it isn t much better. you should not flee on foot. you most likely would be safer in a structure that would protect you for a matter of moments rather being in the direct line of the wildfire. that fire front will move over you very rapidly, and you have a better chance of survivability by putting yourself inside of a structure. the correct answer is, b, but if no structure is available, there s another option. the best sort of escape in a vehicle is to find some sort of open area that has a low fuel, that has some dirt around it, that does not have something that will burn. you certainly want to try to stay away from any trees. you want to try to get yourself as low to the ground as you possibly can, and hopefully that fire front will pass and you will be able to survive it. i hope she makes it out. in the chaos, eric and his brother lose contact with their family. panicked, they decide to stay in
a running vehicle itself, when it becomes overcome by a large amount of smoke will eventually shut off and could stall. and based on that, you may be in an area that you may become trapped. so by staying in that vehicle you have only moments of fresh air until that vehicle s actually overcome by smoke and fire. making a run for it is not much better. you should not flee on foot. you much likely would be safer in a structure that would protect you for a matter of moments. rather than being in the direct line of a fire. that fire front will move over you very rapidly, and you have a better chance of survivability by putting yourself in a structure. the correct answer is b, but if no structure is available the next option. find an open area with low fuel, that has dirt around it, that does not have something