EV fire NEW DELHI, Apr 26: Amid incidents of electric two-wheelers catching fire, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Tuesday urged companies to take advance action to recall all defective vehicles, even as he said there is some problem with EV batteries when the temperature rises in the months of March, April and May. The Road Transport and Highways Minister also acknowledged that the country’s EV industry has “just started” and emphasised that the Government does not want to put up […]
NEW DELHI : Amid incidents of electric two-wheelers catching fire, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Tuesday urged companies to take advance action to recall all defective vehicles, even as he said there is some problem with EV batteries when the temperature rises in the months of March, April and May. The Road Transport and Highways Minister also acknowledged that the country’s EV industry has “just started” and emphasised that the Government does not want to put up a hurdle. “But […]
Amid incidents of electric two-wheelers catching fire, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Tuesday urged companies to take advance action to recall all defective vehicles, even as he said there is some problem with EV batteries when the temperature rises
With the shocking number of EV fire accidents being reported almost on a regular basis, the Centre has decided to intervene with a stern warning for erring companies.