advice to the critics and honestly to the news media. we re going to continue to expose what the administration wants to suppress. take a deep breath. calm down and take a deep breath. this system is going to work. assistant want to show up in front of that house committee, because there are a number of republicans who want her fired. shouldn t be about having heads roll or firing people. are you one of the republicans who says she should get canned? not focused on making heads roll. you have the guillotine cutting off the heads of thousands of people. that s not the time receipt now to focus on that. the time is to get these problems fixed and make sure the system is working, most efficiently, for the american people. let s get right to our panel. joining us is democratic pollster, marjorie owe mareo, and josh baro of business insider. so josh, republicans wanted to fire eric holder and then hillary clinton and now kathleen sebelius because of the website failure
attorney general eric holder facing a simple question, did he lie to congress about his role in targeting a fox news reporter and the other scandals shaking up washington. plenty to go through today. you re live in america s newsroom. and good morning to you. and an investigation into whether mr. holder lied about the larger topic under oath. after he had this to say specifically to weeks ago today. watch this. with regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material, that is not something that i have ever been involved of.
fire eric holder. top lawyer doesn t have credibility to investigate anyone, let alone himself. and here is what was what was told to gretta last night. i think the president ought to fire him to restore faith in the justice department. congress is entitled to answers. the only answer we have gotten is the administration wants to have a press shield law. if it s like the press shield law like they proposed in the last congress, this would not have covered the rosen or a.p. incident. who s fooling who? reporter: there is plenty scepticism about that media shield law the president is hoping to get passed quickly. martha: it s in terms what they
how do you evaluate this based on what we know at the moment? what eric holder said under oath was not true. he has been involved with it and he certainly should have known about the potential prosecution of reporters. it s plain as day. you have got his signature and we know he was involved in the discussions. he basically admitted to it. what his actions have shown us. any possible explanations? he lied or forgot? i don t know that eric holder has earned much of a benefit of the doubt here. somebody who has got a history of this. whatever suspension of disbelief people would have been willing to give him, is unlikely to be given him this time around.
martha: please give our best to yo little girl and we hope thy spreading your story it will get some attention for it. tell people what they c d if home.want to go something to they can go to and support sarah and reach out to human services have and let her know that this isn t right, children are not being treated fairly, children do not belong at the back of the line. martha: jet thank you very much. thank you. martha: we wish you the best to you and your family. thanks for talking with us today. take care. bill: ten minutes before the hour. jon scott happening now rolls way shortly. how are you doing? jon: doing well. eric holder is on the hot seat as the questions persist, did the attorney general mislead congress when halked about the pursuit of journalists personal records? holder rea to speak in we will hear what he has to say and tk to judge napolitano t all of this. a new virus is causig alarm. it s called ahreat to the whole world. where eufrs it and what yo