he was more specific on the lester holt interview about comey telling him that, director comey telling him that. it would surprise me that director comey would say something like that because, number one, the investigation isn t over. i don t know how he could make such an assertion. you know, we all have a tendency to hear what we want to hear, but i d be very surprises. but give me a break. donald trump calling somebody a showboat and a grandstander? i got to tell you, comey doesn t come to congress because he volunteers and says i want to come. he is asked to come, invited to come by the various committees, and he is the antithesis of a showboat. when i talk to friend and they say what s comey like, the best word i can kuk come up with is y scout. i ve gotten to know him. four years on the intelligence committee, i ve probably been with him 10 or 15 times. he s a straight arrow and to talk about him being a
since then. so the idea that you would be using that investigation as an excuse to fire comey is kind of the most remarkable part of this. i think why now, there was the excuse of comey misstating that, you know, the number of emails that were forwarded from huma abedin to anthony weiner, but i don t think anybody is talking about that. it doesn t make any sense as a reason to fire the fbi director especially when the consequences for it, the blow back for it is going to be so much more epically larger than any of that. that s what s so crazy. our dana bash reporting they didn t tape blow back which is another political miscalculation. they assumed democrats would support this because they have been critical of comey. even republicans, six republican senators very critical of the timing here. susan colins is one who supported it. she said inevitable conclusion
told that multiple times by director comey. a bit of a disconnect in those letters. we know how it all unfolded yesterday beginning at 5:00 p.m. sort of under the darkness of night even though it was only the early evening. the director of value office operations arrived at the fbi headquarters in washington, d.c. with that manila envelope that contained that letter from president trump. fbi director comey was not at fbi headquarters. he was at the fbi field office in los angeles talking with some of the staff there. and he learned of his termination by actually watching and seeing it unfold on television. we understand that once he began seeing that on television he tried to make light of the situation. joking around. of course he abruptly left tha meeting. the way this went down because this has been unfolding over at least the past week. we know president trump has been
investigation, i nerve the less encourage the judgment of thedom doj that you are not able to effectively lead the bureau. the president himself mentions the russian investigation. that s the interesting thing. he disconnect in the explanations in these three separate letters. we have that memo from rod rosenstein. two and a half page letter. it really goes into the details of how fbi director comey in the justice department s view mishandled this investigation into hillary clinton s e-mail server. then, of course, there s the additional letter from attorney general jeff sessions to president trump talking about his recommendation that yes, in fact, fbi director comey should be terminated and then the president s letter, the president s letter is very short. directly to director comey and it does, in fact, merely reference the fact that donald trump in his view was not under investigation, he said he was
talking about this, working with the justice department, and we do know perhaps as long ago as two weeks ago when deputy attorney general rod rosenstein confirmed, assumed his position on april 26th, perhaps this was in the work. this disconnect between the letter that or the memo that rod rosenstein wrote talking about mishandling of the hillary clinton investigation and trump referencing the russian investigation. the letter from trump, rod rosenstein memo, what we heard from sean spicer briefly in the press room the why now seems to be the biggest question. when you take that all into account what s your best guess as to why do this right now? what s their reasoning? well it really seems to be that president trump wanted to fire director comey, and this memo by rod rosenstein dated yesterday. so really there didn t seem tube lot of lag time. this happened in rapid fire