welcome back everybody. we continue to follow breaking news of a train derailment in philadelphia. this is amtrak train traveling from washington drms.c. to new york. it had just stopped in philadelphia and was making its way to penn station in new york when it derailed right there in philadelphia. 238 people were on board, including five members. let s get the latest. michael nutter and tom wolf spoke a little earlier. this is what they had to say. there s not a ton of, there s virtually no new information. but let s recap. this was amtrak train number 188. from washington, d.c. bound for new york city. approximately 9:28 the first alarm went out this ultimately went to four fire alarms fire department is in command on the
no new information, quite frankly but let s recap. this is amtrak train 188 from washington, d.c. bound for new york city. approximately 928, the first alarm went out. this went to four fire alarms fire department is in command on the scene. that s 33 apparatus, 120 firefighting personnel, and ems. at this time probably 200 police officers. the department of homeland security as well as first responders state police on the scene, septa personnel on the scene. our best estimate again preliminary information, everything we tell you will be preliminary information. we believe approximately 243 personnel on the train. five of whom are amtrak