Legal employers have made great strides in recent years to better accommodate and cater to the myriad wellness needs of professionals. However, there are longstanding structural issues that impact t
The question of how to attract and retain graduate lawyers is “one of the most vexing issues” facing law firms. Why is it so difficult to hold on to the next generation of leaders in law? Welcome
Law firms like to talk about their points of difference, but if they aren’t actually being different, it undermines credibility and reputation, as well as breeds distrust, argues Fionn Bowd.
Welcome to another episode of Legal Lightbulbs: the show that sees hosts Jerome Doraisamy and Bowd chief executive Fionn Bowd discuss and debate the questions to which lawyers have always wanted answe
Welcome to the newest show from the Lawyers Weekly Podcast Network: Legal Lightbulbs. This show sees host Jerome Doraisamy and Bowd chief executive Fionn Bowd discuss and debate the questions tha