Women in tech want real change not box ticking
Women helping to lead some of the countryâs biggest tech companies donât want cupcakes and leadership training: they want paternity leave to be the norm, transparent salaries, and for diversity to extend beyond being a box ticking exercise.
Speaking to
The Australian Financial Review in the lead up to this yearâs International Womenâs Day, women in executive roles at companies such as Xero, Whispir and Salesforce shared common experiences of feeling like they couldnât be themselves if they wanted to succeed early in their careers, and immense frustration at women still being treated like they needed coaching, or mentorship, in order to take on leadership qualities more commonly associated with men.
Break the shackles even without a deal
Sir, – Unquestionably Brussels has both a disdain and a fear of Britain, a position that has been displayed throughout the so-called Brexit negotiations.
The disdain is alike to a parent who witnesses a child disobeying an order and seeks to impose punishments against their viewed misdemeanour.
The fear element is contained in the fact that if Britain is allowed unfettered sovereignty then we might steal a march in establishing trade deals with other nations to the perceived detriment of the EU bloc.
These are the principal reasons why the negotiations have been protracted and continually stymied into deadlock.