Here with me. This time weve selected luscious loves amazing assists the best solo runs and plenty more all from the fast and furious to the simply curious the true. Kickoff brings you 25 goals in 26 minutes arranged in 5 different categories placed his hand along the. Sides sit back and say to the top goals of the 201920 bundesliga season lets get cracking with the Campaign Super legs if solos. One against many with technique tempo and a cool head at the finish we struggled through to. The bundesliga and the. Human dribble is. When they hit their stride it means mayhem for the opposition here we present the seasons 5 most sensational saw goals. Back from injury with his 1st start of the season for help to lead and joe viro deliver a certain mark tidd in style. Still. Likes to run with the ball look like. A remarkable individual that but lets hear about it from the man himself. The ball from the side seen a couple players and not just give a pass for the man in play the ball between so
For all ye fans of fancy finishes heres part 2 of last seasons top goal most people would hear but. This time weve selected luscious loves amazing assists the best so runs and plenty more all from the fast and furious so the simply curious about trying. To. Kick off brings you 25 goals in 26 minutes arranged in 5 different categories places and clubs. To. Sell you sit back and savor the top goals of the 201920 bundesliga season lets get cracking with the Campaign Super legit solos. One against many with technique tempo and a cool head finish restraint trailing. The punches leg and the demon dribble as. When they hit their stride it means mayhem for the opposition here we present the seasons 5 most sensational song lugols. Back from injury with his 1st start of the season for help to lead and joe viro deliver a certain mark tidd in high style. Likes to run with the ball. Like. A remarkable individual effort lets hear about it from the man himself. Got the ball on the side going now seen
And trauma wheelchairs. But where are the black soldiers on the cinematic battlefield and what roles do women play in war movies we put the film genre in our crosshairs 75 years after the end of world war 2. Most of us have never and hopefully will never go to war. Our experience of battle comes from the movies. War has fascinated filmmakers from the start. Battle scenes push the technical limits of movie making plays. Over a century of cinema war movies have become more intense more realistic and more violent. But they show us what war is really like. Sam fuller hollywood director and world war 2 veteran didnt think that caller who was sometimes in a bad mood would then say if you really wanted to film war you would have to actually fire real and you nation out of the audience are over the heads of the audience. One of the 1st great war films was the list milestones last like. All quiet on the western front it was the 1st popular movie to depict the fors of world war one you know. Thi
Scandinavia. What went wrong and what should have been done differently some of the questions we put to one of the leaders in the battle against covert 19 swedens minister for health and social affairs lena having grown talks to al jazeera. Swedens minister for health and social affairs Alaina Helen Dan thanks for joining us and for talking to aljazeera can i just begin with the government motto during the covert 19 pandemic which was physical distancing not social distancing was that the best policy considering the latest figures from sweden suggest that youve had nearly 6000 deaths and nearly 80000 infections but let me say that we have had a situation in sweden which has the best problem at the as many other countries i mean this is a Global Pandemic virus its we knew very little about from the beginning now you know a lot more so rare or suppressed in time all during those its 6 months since we have urged. Its case in sweden we have been working very hard and i just want to take ev
Feel of the trenches at a safe distance war on the Silver Screen whether patriotic glorification or cautionary tale movies shaped our ideas about war they tell stories of heroism. And trauma. But where are the black soldiers on the cinematic battlefield and what roles do women play in war movies we put the film genre in our crosshairs 75 years after the end of world war 2. Most of us have never and hopefully will never go to war. Our experience of battle comes from the movies. War has fascinated filmmakers from the start of. Battle scenes push the technical limits of movie making. Over a century of cinema war movies have become more intense more realistic and more violent. But they show us what war is really like sam fuller hollywood director and world war 2 veteran didnt think so other who was sometimes in a bad mood would then say if you really wanted to film war you would have to actually fire real and you nation out of the audience are over the heads of the audience. One of the 1st