19/09/2022 - The first joint export venture for key players in the Finnish audiovisual industry aims to strengthen the promotion of Finnish content on the international level
The first joint export venture for key players in the Finnish audiovisual industry aims to strengthen the promotion of Finnish content on the international level
19/09/2022 - El primer evento de exportación que reunirá a agentes importantes en la industria audiovisual finlandesa quiere promocionar el contenido finlandés a nivel internacional
19/09/2022 - La prima joint venture di esportazione per i principali attori dell'industria audiovisiva finlandese mira a rafforzare la promozione dei contenuti finlandesi a livello internazionale
Finnish director Hanna Bergholm and screenwriter Ilya Rautsi discuss their bloody coming-of-age film about an angst-ridden pre-teen who nurtures an unhatched egg – with devastating consequences