eric s mom and dad are with me around the corner in the watchmobile. they are worried that this is a trick their helpful son may fall for. you ready to see how he does? yes. let s see. reporter: their eyes are glued to our hidden camera monitors, as eric walks out onto the street and sees our actor. what s up, man? john. remember me? yeah. reporter: as our actor draws eric in, his parents are holding their breath. finishing work, do you mind helping me out with this real quick? no problem. no problem, i ll help. reporter: now, as their son steps toward that open door can you just go in the middle, and i m going to hand this to you? reporter: his parents aren t surprised he agreed to help but pray he will know better than to get in the truck. you just want to grab he s a goner. got him right in there. so just grab that. okay. reporter: our actor shuts the