we managed to get a copy of the video. the authorities arrested ten alleged members of the islamic state organization they also found evidence that indicated that these people had been using forged biometric identity data. to police seize cash identity papers blank fingerprint forms and fingerprint markets. the investigation later determined that the suspects had used the mock ups to provide identification for money transfers. that indicates that terrorists are fully capable of using forged biometric data. came in their loan for until it was no no to his it s clear they re criminals and to to kill or leave terrorists are using this technology. is so the perpetrators are able to steal fingerprints by hacking
we managed to get a copy of the video. the authorities arrested ten alleged members of the islamic state organization they also found evidence that indicated that these people had been using forged biometric identity data. to. police seized cash identity papers blank fingerprint forms and fingerprint markets. the investigation later determined that the suspects had used the mock ups to provide identification for money transfers. that indicates that terrorists are fully capable of using forged biometric data. coming here lou and for until it s known to his it s clear that criminals on the take kill or leave terrorists are using this technology. the so the perpetrators are able to steal fingerprints by hacking