cowen. it goes without saying that i was highly irritated and embarrassed for the department. initially on the latent evidence being misread, i tend to believe it was a training issue. this was simply a situation where the originalal examiner was in over his head and couldn t handle it. armed with the fingerprint evidence and the ballistic test results, robert cowen was arrested and charged with two counts of first degree murder. i took him to the office and showed him where his fingerprints were shown in that house and asked him to explain that. he just shook his head and kept his mouth shut and stayed silent and said he couldn t explain it. gerald cowen was also arrested for the murders but he was later released because there was no forensic evidence linking him to the crime scene.
cowan. goes without saying that i was highly irritated and embarrassed for the department. i initially on the latent evidence being misread, i tend to believe that was probably a training issue. this was simply a situation where the original examiner was in over his head and couldn t handle it. armed with the fingerprint evidence and ballistic test results, robert cowan was arrested and charged with two counts of first-degree murder. took him back to the office and found where his fingerprints were definitely found inside of that house and asked him to explain that. and he just shook his head and kept his mouth shut and stayed silent and said he couldn t explain it. gerald cowan was also arrested for the murders but was later released because there was no forensic evidence linking him to the crime scene.
that particular address. and still others were meant to mock the fbi. for example, on one of the letters the unabomber sent, the address was 9th and pennsylvania avenue northwest in washington, d.c. which, of course, is the address of the j. edgar hoover fbi building. in one of the letters he said the fbi is a joke. the fbi will not be catching us any time soon. the fbi, of course, had no idea about the unabomber s identity or whereabouts. and ted kaczynski took great pains to make sure he didn t leave a single clue. he would take files and he would file everything down after he built something so that he could ensure that he was getting rid of fingerprints. he was obsessed about leaving fingerprint evidence. kaczynski also planted false clues to throw investigators off the trail. he went to a bathroom at the bus station in missoula, montana, and he actually took hairs off the floor of the restroom. and then in subsequent bombs, he
that s an antipersonnel device. that s used to maim or kill. for almost two decades, he skillfully evaded identification and capture. we had literally hundreds and hundreds of suspects. he dropped out of sight for six years. people thought he was dead. he was obsessed about leaving fingerprint evidence. nobody has seen anybody like theodore kaczynski. the hunt for the unabomber. next. a simple sketch was almost all investigators had to go on. the facial features were distinct, but the head was cloaked by a hood. and the eyes obscured by aviator sunglasses.
he would take files and he would file everything down after he built something so that he could ensure that he was getting rid of fingerprints. he was obsessed about leaving fingerprint evidence. kaczynski also planted false clues to throw investigators off the trail. he went to a bathroom at the bus station in missoula, montana, and he actually took hairs off the floor of the restroom. and then in subsequent bombs, he would take those hairs and put them in between layers of tape. and the whole idea was when the subsequent bombs exploded at a crime scene, we would think that hair might have something to do with the unabomber. when he was out on a run to collect information or to collect components for his bombs, he would make sure he had a disguise. he put cotton up his nose so his nostrils would look bigger. he had a fake mustache he had worn. for another 18 months, everything was quiet. then on december 10th, 1994, the unabomber claimed his second fatality. the latest victi