good evening and welcome to the next revolution . when i was a kid most summers we would drive across europe to hungary to sputter vacation with my family it took a couple of days and as i stared out the window i noticed the near we got to the iron curtain and we got inside communist hungry, i noticed more cars with this on the back ddr it stood for german democratic republic, this is before german unification, there were two germanys but the german democratic republic was not west germany but actually was a democracy. it was with the communist dictators in east germany called their one-party state. why would they do that i asked my parents, we didn t use gas lighting back then but that s what it was. here i am again on the show a proud immigrant and a new american citizen, my parents left communist hungry for england comparing what s going on here in america with the kind of behavior that was on common issues. gas lighting over democracy wasn t just the east germans did but
crime. legally this case appears to be the weakest of the cases trump may be facing, but the indictment has not been read or witnesses not heard and evidence not been examined. or cross examined. what we know is that trump s prosecutor opened his tenure in office by announcing all of the laws he would not enforce, those he would ignore, ignores the law gives others long distances to ignore the fact. when you ignore the law and the facts, you don t have a justice system, ours appears teetering on brink of being another political tool to protect friends and punish foes, when that is opposite of a real justice system, we don t prosecutor lock people up based on the chance of a crowd or political wims of a progressive prosecutor. or at least we should not. joining us now two men who care about the justice system, they used 2, in it, former prosecutors anni an andy mccarthy, what are you expecting when the indictment is made public? i think based on the reporting that we ve
family in the waiting to the border is about rules and obeying rules to protect not only yourself but your family and your home in your country and anybody wants to get this book fingerprint trey: good evening thank you for joining us, i am trey gowdy, it s sunday night in america, donald j. trump will make his appearance in a new york courtroom tuesday and arraigned. changes false occasion of, records and likely he will be accused of site cites payments for se silence. it is a misdemeanor unless it was connected to another