clones. get a little gel on there. that go into these tanks for about two weeks and then to this room for about five weeks under simulated sunlight in a co2-rich environment. each of these plants gets its own bar code? that s right. every single plant once it comes out of the cloner, once it gets into here it s coded individually. we re able to trace that plant from this stage all the way to the end product. then the light is cut back to simulate the shorter days of autumn triggering plants to flower and finally it s off to be trimmed and dry. the entire process is regulated by the state. after a criminal background check, employees are issued a colorado marijuana worker id card. every time a plant is moved, the employee logs it using this software, a finger fingerprint scanner tracks the employees at every turn. there s no scar face here. there s no ak-47s, there s none of that stuff. we have inspectors from the state in here all the time. even though he pays sales and inc