promise to the citizens. julie: all right. rick, thank you very much. thank you. gregg: the $125 million revitalization of a vermont resort raising some eyebrows not because it includes 120 room hotel ritzy lodges and what s to be the largest indoor water park in the northeast, but because the project is giving about 250 foreigners green cards in return for their investments? really? peter doocy live with more. actually you re with us on the set. what s this all about? foreigners, who invested $500,000 in approved projects move right to the front of the line for green cards if their investment is shown to create at least ten jobs over two years. they still have to go through the same paperwork and the same background checks as anybody else trying to get a green card. but the question remains, are these people buying their way into america?
gregg: you re not going to believe this. a top court just deciding the government can use a gps to track your moves without a search warrant, even sneak on your property at night without nothing it, place it on your car. what about your privacy rights and laws of search and seizure and amendment called the fourth? our legal panel weighs in next.
but the police violated the rules. there is a public safety, you know this here is the problem with the argument. the feds said this is an issue. there is a raging drug war. kudos to them. hold on. you can say heightened public expectation, we ve got murderers and rapists and people are robbing. you can say. that where is the constitution? gregg: i m getting a hard wrap from the producer. it s legally indefensible. you did a good job of defending the 9th circuit. thank you julie: manhunt is on for a
don t want to be going into chasing dishwashers like we said. they re law enforcement. they want to go after people with criminal records. quite frankly, we have our hands full just with the people that have criminal records. gregg: how do you account for the ice lawyers who, according to the washington post, are quite angry that they re being told to dismiss these cases? let s talk to the troops on the ground that are the ones that have a reason to know better. gregg: all right. good to see you. thanks so much. thank you, gregg. gregg: that does it for us. rick and juliet standing by for more. julie: i ll be back in just an hour. see you then.
there is no question that people ask the question, gee, is this buying a visa? the answer is yes, they re investing. most challenging thing that small business and united states has today is access to capital. i could not be doing this without capital. these people over my shoulder wouldn t be working if i didn t have access to equity capital. all the construction behind him was a $125 million expansion of a resort in vermont and he said given the banking climate, he would not be able to do the project if not for this program. all the money is foreign, but the workers are local. this provided a big boost to a slumping economy near the canadian border. gregg: as with all immigration issues, there must be another side of the story. that s right. of course. opponents say that people gaining access to america through the visa program are cutting the line and corrupting the system. the foreigners have always been able to invest in america and the reward was just a good return on the