German industrial production fell more than expected in March, partly due to a weak performance by the automotive sector, spurring again recession fears in Europe's largest economy.
Sweden's Assa Abloy AB , the world's No. 1 lock maker, and U.S.-based Spectrum Brands Holdings said on Friday they have reached a settlement with the U.S. Justice Department regarding Assa's $4.3 billion proposed deal to buy Spectrum's hardware and home improvement (HHI) division.
Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. (TSE:NDM – Get Rating) (NYSE:NAK)’s share price crossed above its 50 day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 50 day moving average of C$0.31 and traded as high as C$0.31. Northern Dynasty Minerals shares last traded at C$0.31, with a volume of 275,386 shares trading hands. […]
Singapore's Keppel Corp said on Wednesday it would transform itself into an asset manager overseeing $150 billion by 2030 and focusing on green energy, betting it would provide more stable revenue streams and earnings.
Ukraine is working with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and American companies to collect evidence of war crimes by Russians, such as geolocation and cellphone information, senior officials said on Tuesday.