topics i want to make sure we hit them. new documents released in new york attorney general show conversations that appear that he s coordinating giving advice about potentially checking with his sources looking for information on accusers against his brother. cnn said they re having discussions i won t seek further clarity as they relay over this next several days. the atlantic said it in this headline, chris cuomo must. what kind of opinions do you have on that? i think he does. the information that came out today from the ages reported more information that comes out from investigations in new york paints a pretty clear picture that chris cuomo deliberately misled us when he said this is how involved he was with his brother s case. finding dirt on some of the accusers, helping figure out messaging with regards to his brother s case, this is hugely problematic and she should go. that s right and imagine if it s someone on the other
guiliani s business associate and also the guy that rudy has enlisted to help him with his investigations in finding dirt. on the bidens in ukraine. and this other theory that, you know, ukraine interfered somehow in our election which has been widely debunked. nunes and an associate enlist parnas to help them. they ask parnas who, remember, speaks russian, ana, to make calls for them, to introduce them to ukrainian investigators who they think might have knowledge and evidence on the bidens. and parnas even sits in on the phone calls that a nunes aide makes with two ukrainian prosecutors. now this was last year is when the alleged meeting took place, right? the meeting is in december and the timing of it is very important and significant because it takes place deliberately at the beginning of
former disgraced ukraine prosecutor victor shoken. victor shoken is the man who claims he had evidence of corruption by joe biden. remember, he has an axe to grind against joe biden because joe biden along with western leaders had him fired in 2016 basically for not doing his job. after that meeting devin nunes returns and he and an aide get in touch with lev parnas, rudy giuliani s business associate and also the guy that rudy has enlisted to help him with his investigations in finding dirt on the bidens and ukraine and this other theory that, you know, ukraine interfered somehow in our election which has been widely debunked. nunes and an associate enlist parnas to help them. they ask parnas who, remember,
officer many of the best cases that we have start with people who sound the alarms, who may not have firsthand knowledge. but put in a decent case and investigation together is all about following the evidence where it leads. if we look at the president s own words and the call-out and if you look at chief press conference and look at the statements from every witness, those who have had direct conversation with the president and those who have not, all of them corroborate the information that we now know is that the president abused his authority for political purposes. what was your reaction, you just heard the clip from the president a few moments ago, insisting he doesn t remember any phone call along those lines with ambassador sondland in which he said he s more interested in finding dirt on the bidens than he is about ukraine. this is what david holmes the aide to ambassador taylor told ambassador taylor. what was your reaction to the
you know, crowdstrike, this whole essentially conspiracy theory about the server being in ukraine, and then also about finding dirt on the bidens. does that not on its face seem wildly inappropriate? does that seem like a quid pro quo to you? well, it s inappropriate. it s bothersome, and it s especially bothersome to talk about the server, which our intelligence services have continued to say didn t exist. and mick mulvaney, his admission that i mean he didn t use the words quid pro quo but when asked by jonathan karl, he said, yes, we do this all the time, and he was specifically talking about the crowdstrike/ukraine server investigation. i was very disappointed to hear the comments of the chief of staff. we don t do this all the time, okay? we don t use the power and prestige of america to beat on people for political purposes. i think of a lofty foreign