dispatched to chatted oaks. the outskirts of raleigh, north carolina. here because of the 9-1-1 call from this placed on birch leaf drive. i think my sister is dead. tell me what happened ma am? i have no idea, oh my god. the caller was meredith fischer, she had just discovered on the floor of the master bedroom the savagely beaten body of her elderly sister, 29 year old michelle young, a woman who in death, was about to be famous. listen to me mom, i m going to tell you what to do but you need to calm down. there s blood everywhere? yes. listen to me, ma am is she breathing? i don t think so. have you checked? michelle? she s cold. okay. two and a half year old cassidy who had crawled out from underneath the parents bed just feet from where her mother lay. cassidy s voice, chattering to her aunt was caught. she s got boos everywhere? had cassidy witnessed the murder? awakened, alone, to find this.
the day after the wedding they shared a big secret. michelle was pregnant. their daughter cassie was born early the next year. i love you mommy. i love you to cassidy. and when she came along, it was love at first sight. michelle was an enthusiastic mother. by all accounts jason was a good dad. he was a great playmate. he knew how to sit on the floor and play with his daughter.
she told jurors that she had watched cassidy playing alone, days after her mother was murdered. she had the chair and the doll together and the mommy doll in the other hand. and just hit them. as unsettling as it was, the prosecutors wanted jurors to know that the killer had left a silent witness behind. a witness that he would never harm. the fact that cassidy was spared, did that mean anything to you? would that mean anything to a jury? certainly it meant that the person who killed the mother, we felt, cared about cassidy. fiona childs took the stand. prosecutors pressed her about a life insurance policy that jason had arranged. it did raise a red flag. that she brought up specifically her life insurance. she brought it up several times. 1 million dollars was too much
time, i just can t do this anymore. jason was telling one of his close friends the same thing. and prosecutors said that just days before michelle was murdered, he indulged in one last transgression. a casual hook up with an old friend named caroline. in his own living room. michelle was away at the time. cassidy was put down to bed and i had a couple drinks, we were talking. and we ended up having sex. but divorce was apparently not an option for jason. he made a statement i want on that he was afraid if he d ever gotten avoid divorce that michelle take cassidy. and move back to new york.
how is that possible? a young mother found brutally murdered. her little girl left to wonder in her mother s blood. police had a suspect and they say that he had a motive. we had an intimate relationship. ended up having sex. could they prove he was the killer? it was a circumstantial case, except for that witness, the girl who left those footprints. they will never know what cassidy saw and what she did not see. maybe she could not tell detectives who the killer was, but maybe she did not have to. the fact that cassidy was spared, would that mean anything to a jury? person who killed the mother cared about cassidy. hello, and welcome to dateline. michelle young was married to