Peskin and joining me is supervisor norman yee and supervisor london breeds. Mdm. Clerk, are there any announcements . Please silence any cell phones or Electronic Devices and the items on the agenda will be discussed as stated. Can you please announce the 1st item . Marmotion directing the budget and legislative analyst to conduct a performance audit of the citys Real Estate Division in 2016. Are there any members of the ublic that would like to comment one item number 1 . Seeing none i will close Public Comment. Are there any supervisors that would like to comment . Yes supervisor breed . Whether or not we are actually helping individuals out of homelessness. Also more importantly and i think that many members of the public believe that we are spending this money only to basically serve and support Homeless Individuals when in fact, a lot of this money is actually going towards prevention including programs like Hamilton Family resources and homeless [inaudible] these help the indivi
Jackson from sfgovtv for brovrt this meeting marry mr. Clerk, any announcements . All electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the may 17, 2016, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you call item 2. Carrying on the first sewer place property to the transferred to the Mayors Office for identifying the properties under loyalty for the department of real estate under the requirement of the administrative code and rigging the port San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and San Francisco public works and the San Francisco Unified School District to report. All right. Thank you very much i want to take a moment and thank the dozens of neighbors that written my office and those who joined us this afternoon in the committee and thank you for your time so colleagues what we have here today ill recognition and received a packet from the letters from the clerk from
All right. Good afternoon, everyone id like to call this meeting to order the regulars meeting of the Land Use Committee my name is supervisor cowen the chair of the committee to any right is supervisor wiener the vice chair of the committee and supervisor peskin will be joining us and sitting on the left clerk victor young thank you, mark and phil jackson from sfgovtv for brovrt this meeting marry mr. Clerk, any announcements . All Electronic Devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the may 17, 2016, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you call item 2. Carrying on the first sewer place property to the transferred to the Mayors Office for identifying the properties under loyalty for the department of real estate under the requirement of the administrative code and rigging the port San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and San Francisco public works and the San Fra
Estimation item 112011. 0671x at 1395 11 uped street and pennsylvania avenue, a local project authorization for continuance to november 12, 2015 and item 2 for case no. 20 11006712pca requirement for cu requirement for residential mergers. Proposed for continuace to december 10th, 2015. Any Public Comment on the items proposed for continuance . Not seeing any Public Comment is closed. And commissioner antonini. I think my mic is off. I could talk loudly. Thank you. There we go. Good. I make a motion to continue items 1 and 2 to the dates specified. Second. Very good, commissioners. Thank you on that motion to continue items as proposed. Commission antonini. Aye. Commissioner johnson . Aye. Commissioner richards . Aye. Commission wu . Aye. And Commission President fong. Aye. So moved commissions, that motion passes unanimously 50 and places you under your consent calendar, all matters listed constitute a consent calendar. Are considered to be routine by the Planning Commission and may b
11006712pca requirement for cu requirement for residential mergers. Proposed for continuace to december 10th, 2015. Any Public Comment on the items proposed for continuance . Not seeing any Public Comment is closed. And commissioner antonini. I think my mic is off. I could talk loudly. Thank you. There we go. Good. I make a motion to continue items 1 and 2 to the dates specified. Second. Very good, commissioners. Thank you on that motion to continue items as proposed. Commission antonini. Aye. Commissioner johnson . Aye. Commissioner richards . Aye. Commission wu . Aye. And Commission President fong. Aye. So moved commissions, that motion passes unanimously 50 and places you under your consent calendar, all matters listed constitute a consent calendar. Are considered to be routine by the Planning Commission and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of this item unless a member of commission, public or staff so requests in w