U. S. Debt limit, tax reform, and liquidity requirements for Community Banks. He also discusses possible provisions to deter currency manipulation and future u. S. Trade deals. Held by the House Financial Services committee, this is three hours. The committee will come to the committee will come to order. The chairs authorized to declare recess of the committee at any time. Members will have five legislative days in which to submit extraneous materials to the chair for inclusion the record. The hearings for the purpose of receiving the secretary of treasurys annual report on the state of the International Finance system. But before proceeding to that report, i will give you a report on the hollingsworth family of indiana. Would like to share with you some bury good news. Hollingsworthbert the fourth arrived this morning at 1 38 a. M. , weighing in at seven pounds, 15 ounces, mother and baby are doing well. Husband and father is a total wreck, but congratulations to our colleague, ray c
(Johannesburg, February 10, 2023) – Mozambique authorities should withdraw a draft law on nonprofit organizations that would undermine the work of civil society groups and the right to freedom of association in the country, Human Rights Watch said today. The government says the Draft Law on the Creation, Organization, and Operation of Nonprofit Organizations is intended to counter money laundering and terrorist financing as its security forces battle an Islamic State- (ISIS) linked armed group, locally known as Al-Shabab or Mashababos, in the northern part of the country.
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