Swapna Suresh, the prime accused in the gold smuggling case on Tuesday released pictures of P. Sreeramakrishnan, the former Speaker and top CPI-M leader soon after he threatened legal action against her following some new revelations by her.
Swapna Suresh, the prime accused in the gold smuggling case on Tuesday released pictures of P. Sreeramakrishnan, the former Speaker and top CPI-M leader soon after he threatened legal action against her following some new revelations by .
Stung by the fresh revelation by the prime accused in the gold smuggling case, Swapna Suresh, former Speaker and top CPI-M leader P. Sreeramakrishnan on Tuesday said he will speak to party officials and take legal steps besides dealing this .
In her recent revelation, Swapna said former state Minister Kadkampally Surendran, presently a legislator, and Sreeramakrishnan used to send her lewd messages and asked her to come to them, while former state Finance Minister Thomas Isaac dropped indirect hints to her.
In her latest attack, the prime accused in Kerala gold smuggling case Swapna Suresh has charged three top CPI-M leaders with sexual misconduct, kicking up a fresh row.She has been targeting the Chief Minister Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and .