guy named nikolas cruz. what do you have? we ve been through his house. we have written reports he s violent. we couldn t baker act him. we could not detain him because we didn t have sufficiency. so would the outcome have been any different? answer, no. solution, change the laws that allow police officers to detain someone for mental health issues. change the laws about someone who s in fbi files buying an assault weapon. that s what the president should be focused on, not on pointing fingers and looking for blame. and just very quickly, you mentioned the adam schiff e-mail exchange. we have to just get on the record here, trump on sunday, the president, tweeting, finally liddle adam schiff, is now blaming the obama administration for russian meddling in the 2016 election. he s finally right about something. obama was president, knew of the threat, and did nothing. thank you, adam. adam schiff responds he was on a