doors reopen properly to the public. 50 doors reopen properly to the ublic. , ., , public. so here, visitors will visit a new public. so here, visitors will visit a new kind public. so here, visitors will visit a new kind of public. so here, visitors will. visit a new kind of exhibition, which we call augmented exhibition, because they will be able to do an incredible journey into history. fin journey into history. on special journey into history. on special computer tablets, you can go back in time and effectively witness key moments in history. see when the cathedral was first built. or even witness the coronation of napoleon. the designers have a bold ambition in mind. to create a bold ambition in mind. trr create a vanished world that was never presented either in drawings or in text or in cinema. we have to find something completely new, to immerse people in the past. the exhibition will immerse people in the past. the exhibition will eventually go on tour, visiting m