This film centres around a young rookie from a bizarre chicken dance group who faces a heckler after being the worst dancer at a performance leading him to a series of strange events that reveal what the group does to their weakest link.
Adnan Al Rajeev, Pritom Hasan and Ziaul Hoque Polash together in YouTumor
The crew of YouTumor . Arts & Entertainment Desk Arts & Entertainment Desk
Filmmaker Adnan Al Rajeev has started shooting for his new production YouTumor , recently. The web film casts Pritom Hasan and Ziaul Hoque Polash in lead.
The shooting began yesterday at Bolsila, Mohammadpur. The film is expected to air on the soon-to-launch video streaming platform, Chorki. The best part of working with the team of Chorki is that they let you execute your intent with freedom, says the director. Also, the film is based on a very contemporary issue and thus, I hope the audience will like this production .