Who’s Yer Father? captures life on PEI with a refreshing earnestness that avoids the stereotypes that often come with the media’s portrayal of the East Coast
[co-author: Renata Paez]
The purpose of this alert is to inform our clients about the new guidelines for the promotion of Mexican cinema published on March 12, 2021, in Mexico s Federal Official Gazette (Diario Oficial de la Federación).
Mexico has a significant creative production capacity in the film industry and is one of the most important markets worldwide for the screening of audiovisual projects. Although the pandemic confinement measures taken in the country have impressively boosted Mexican consumption of streaming platforms, which have had a massive growth in subscribers, the National Chamber of the Film Industry (
La Cámara Nacional de la Industria Cinematográfica or CANACINE) estimates that from March 2020 to February 2021, the Mexican film industry accumulated losses of approximately MX$18.407 million(US$925,832).