Bandla Ganesh's son, Bandla Hiresh, is now in the news. Hiresh has filed a complaint against Nowhera Shaik, a key figure in the Heera Gold scam, alleging harassment associated with property disputes. The complaint involves the attempted sale of a house under the Enforcement Directorate's (ED) custody. It was filed at the Film Nagar police station. The son of the Tollywood
The Hyderabad Traffic police have announced traffic diversions starting from Friday on a trial basis at Jubillee Hills Road No 45 going towards the Durgam Cheruvu Cable Bridge Road. The trial run will be for one week to see how traffic can be eased towards the surroundings areas. Left turn at Metro Pillar No. 1650 (after Cream stone) Road No. 54 Jubilee Hills – Road no. 45