changes his mind like the wind blows, and it mitch mcconnell is holding that as the standard to do anything, that will never be met. he was supposedly shown polling that said if you supported it, it wouldn t have helped him. we know probably that s how he s going to view all of these issues. we re announcing tickets for the meet the press film festival in collaboration with our friends at the american film institute are on sale now. our third annual film festival featuring 21 short documentary films on the most pressing issues including the border, gender discrimination, and climate change. you can get those tickets right now, nbc when we come back, secretary of state mike pompeo. e. do you want ready to wear clothing without all the hassle? you can, with bounce dryer sheets. simply toss two sheets in the dryer to iron less. we dried one shirt without bounce, and an identical shirt using bounce. the bounce shirt has fewer wrinkles, less static, and more softne