some athletes say it s a slap in the face tainting the entire olympics. sadness that we are talking about a 15-year-old. the world anti-doping agency is conducting an investigation into the adults around her and the role they may have played. she is skating but it doesn t exactly count. if she places in the top three, which she is expected to, no medals will be awarded until that full investigation is done and that could take months and months. this is the last time valiyeva will take the ice here in beijing. she s already considered one of the best figure skaters in the world. the first in history to land a quad at the games. they say valiyeva is part of a controversial russian figure skating system where brutal training regiments are pushing these girls to higher and higher heights but at a big cost to their mental and physical health. now all of this, this whole doping scandal certainly
it is raising concerns about the intense training methods of russian figure skaters. selina wang is live for us in beijing with more. selina? reporter: well, brianna, they say this doping scandal is not only tainting her phenomenal talent but the integrity of the entire olympics. it s also shining a light on the russian figure skating system that val eye va is a part of, which many say is controversial, pushing skaters to new heights. but the big question is, at what cost? global outrage over russian figure skater valiyeva under the microscope for testing positive tr a banned substance less than two months ago. but she s just a child, 15 years old, often seen clutching her favorite stuffed animal. it puts the spotlight on the adults around her and the dark under world of russian figure skating beneath the glittering surface. a girl 15 would not do something wrong alone.