this is 1108 south trueborn are you are familiar with that area, we re watching this underway, this coming from wfld. and there are reports of this fire that have general come from chicago. we re trying to get an idea of where this is playing out, what kind of building it is and how many people on the scene are trying to get this under control. you can see obviously they re in the middle of fighting t. and we re going to get you more information as that comes into us. the picture, though, for now a pretty intense fire. bill: and it s freezing and two in chicago, yesterday, right, which gives all kinds of problems to firefighters trying to get things under control. it has an long battle over the health care law but it s mostly been democrat versus republican. why the fight is shifting toward a republican versus republican. we ll talk to a key leader in house leadership, mr. mr. mccarthy n. a moment. martha: superman has his red cape but this lady has a red