and definitely an unprecedented use of our military against american peaceful protesters. mark milley has become like the new general fauci. i think reporting over time will confirm he fought inside to try to keep americans safe and he tried to protect the military. and now fox news, the right-wing attack machine, extreme gop-elected officials have made him the new fauci. they re going to make him pay. this is payback for crossing donald trump out in the open and they re going to make an example of him. in the end our military will suffer. we are right now at war with syria. we are firing artillery into syria, launching rocket strikes. people are attacking the chairman of the joint chiefs of staffs. i can t underscore how damaging that is for our national security, the fighting men and women overseas. you know, paul raises an interesting point, mike. you ve written a lot about people who tried to hold the
for conflict, but you ve got an awful lot out there very close together. miscalculation, accident, some crisis could erupt from all of that. let s hope that doesn t happen. thanks very much to barbara starr at the pentagon. now, as you and your family are giving thanks today, take a moment to thank u.s. troops. thousands of them are spending this holiday far, far away from the home front. many will still get a thanksgiving meal, thanks to the efforts of dla troop support who delivered more, listen to this, than 70,000 pounds of turkey, 55,000 pounds of beef, 29,000 pounds of sweet potatoes and 20,000 pies. to the fighting men and women overseas, well deserved. you thought grandma laid out a big spread. coming up, football and thanksgiving. native americans sent an angry message to one nfl team with a lot of name calling. and when holidays collide. i ll show you some of the creative ways people are celebrating the rare overlap of thanksgiving and hanukkah. [ female announcer ] t