get what you want. but if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need. what we need right now is a budget. it s something we can work from that gives us certainty. i believe we can fix this pension program. the pension program. republican senators kelly ayotte and roger wicker have been fighting cuts for those under age 62. a $6 billion cut after cost of living increases and the senators want it fixed. jean shaheen suggested a bill that would close corporate tax loopholes instead of going after military benefits. it s one of the ideas being floated and john cornyn says the issue should be addressed now. i don t have any doubt whatsoever if we were able to come up with an appropriate paid for and of substitute for this cut in military pensions, that
thatou were fighting cuts against amtrak. isn t your history to try to moderate, both when fighting for re-election, but also as a memberof congress? to try to fd common ground and compromise? of course background to find compromise. that s what you have to do in order to get this done. but you don t cmpmise on your principles. i uslfare reform as an example. i i went out and helped author the welfare reform bill that became the contract with america bill, a then when i was in the united states senate, i managed that bl as a first-term, firsyear member of the united states senate. i went up against daniel patrick moynihan and tedennedy and battled over two vetoes o president clinton and was able to get it done. did make comproses? you bet. but the compromises i made were notfundamental to the transformation that was imrtant in welfare. which was to end the federal entitlement, the only bill that i m awareof, only lawhat s actually ever ended a bad-based federal entitlement. i was t
stance to try to win a democratic state? no, not at all. today i would support laws that would provide for those exceptions. but i m not for them. in other wds, i support the hyde amendmt. the hyde amendment provides exception for rape and incest and the life of the mother. yes, i support laws that provide those exceptions because if we can get those passe then we need to do that. but that s not a violation of your pledge? no. i try i supported th partia birth abortion ban act. does thatan all abortion no. but it moves the country in the right direction. so what i ve said in the past consistent is i ll support laws that move the ball forward, that doesn t mean that s my position and that s where i d like to go. but that s exact the direction that we need to go in. the issue of moderationis goes beyond abortn. back in 2006, you were fighting the idea at you were seen as too conrvativ you had television ads, heralding the fact that you opposed reductions in the minimum wage
so, didn t you, when you were ru for re-election, do the same thing you ve acused romney of, which is moderating your stance to try to win a democratic state? no, not at all. today i would support laws that would provide for those exceptions. but i m not for them. in other wds, i support the hyde amendmt. the hyde amendment provides exception for rape and incest and the life of the mother. yes, i support laws that provide those exceptions because if we can get those passe then we need to do that. but that s not a violation of your pledge? no. i try i supported th partia birth abortion ban act. does thatan all abortion no. but it moves the country in the right direction. so what i ve said in the past consistent is i ll support laws that move the ball forward, that doesn t mean that s my position and that s where i d like to go. but that s exact the direction that we need to go in. the issue of moderationis goes beyond abortn. back in 2006, you were fighting the idea at you
democratic state? no, not at all. today i would support laws that would provide for those exceptions. but i m not for them. in other wds, i support the hyde amendmt. the hyde amendment provides exception for rape and incest and the life of the mother. yes, i support laws that provide those exceptions because if we can get those passe then we need to do that. but that s not a violation of your pledge? no. i try i supported th partia birth abortion ban act. does thatan all abortion no. but it moves the country in the right direction. so what i ve said in the past consistent is i ll support laws that move the ball forward, that doesn t mean that s my position and that s where i d like to go. but that s exact the direction that we need to go in. the issue of moderationis goes beyond abortn. back in 2006, you were fighting the idea at you were seen as too conrvativ you had television ads, heralding the fact that you opposed reductions in the minimum wage. thatou were fighting