that he s doing with dhs to be a military style deployment domestically. that s one of the reasons people may be getting a little confused. he s using military style language to describe what he s doing. from a democratic standpoint my beef with the president on this stuff is he s exaggerating the threat. i m not saying that terrorism isn t a threat or that undocumented immigrants shouldn t leave the country, but native born americans have higher crime rates than immigrants. we ve had no increase in undocumented immigrants in ten years in america. there s been no foreign fighter attacks in the u.s. since 9/11. if you want to get something done, both sides are going to have to give. that s the point of the message i was just reading. i was very involved in the 2013 immigration bill when i was working for marco rubio. that bill failed because at the end of the day congress did not believe the executive branch was serious about securing our borders and applying the laws. if trump can