shepherd, these were houses , apartment buildings just really ripped off. we picked the town to go in because we thought it would be a safe place. there hasn t been fight thrg in a month, very low rebel presence. it is hard to imagine the brutality and why this happened. a government plane making two circles, dropping its payload twice and really taking out a city block killing at least 30 , probably wounding several times that, shepherd. absolutely incredible. steve herrigan, thank you. we watch this every day. i was with a group of smart people. one person said, i am so sick of you talking about syria all the time. nobody cares. you know what is happening? the government is murdering its own civilians, and it has been for 18 months. i am not saying we need to get tre with the military and do something, but we so callusly stand by as a government murders its people is unthinkable in 2012, isn t it? absolutely. there has to be a wake up call