it seems like he s pulling back from that sharp edge, big-change guy. well, yes and no. i mean look, i think the reason on the court pick is because he still wants to get one or two more big things out of this congress. he look the white house is not stupid. they know this could be the last three months that they have this type of advantage. i see. in a congress. so if he wants to do energy and if he wants to do financial reform, those two big things, he can t clog up the system when the controversial court nominee, and i think that s why he went with some people call her the safe choice, i say it s a comfortable choice. he s comfortable in he thinks she s going to be somebody who will fight roberts and at the same time she ll be somebody who isn t going to rile up the base of the republicans so much. i think that you just gave away their strategy by not mentioning immigration. they don t want, yeah. let s take a look at why not. here are the numbers. they re devastatin
wants me to come out declare for her, yes or no. well, i don t make snap judgments before hearing the evidence, before hearing the testimony. let s think about an average democrat in pennsylvania who knows you voted for thomas, voted for alito, voted for roberts, voted for scalia, but you re still up in the air on whether to vote for kagan. what did those four gentlemen have that you re wondering what kagan has? in each of those cases i attended the confirmation hearings. i asked a lot of probing questions. i talked to my colleagues and i came to a considered judgment. and that s the way i operate on an independent basis and i ll continue to do that. and i m not going to make a knee-jerk reaction and respond to my political opponent in the senate campaign because he wants to make political capital. i m not going to do that. so you re not going to make any confirmation, prediction on your vote even through next tuesday? right through tuesday you re not
it seems like everything. it seems like he s pulling back from that sharp edge, big change guy. well, yes and no. i mean look, i think the reason on the corps pick is because he still wants to get one or two more big things out of this congress. he look the white house is not stupid. they know this could be the last three months that they have this type of advantage. i see. in a congress. so if he wants to do energy and if he wants to do financial reform, those two big things, he can t clog up the system when the controversial court nominee, and i think that s why he went with some people call her the safe choice, i say it s a comfortable choice. in fa hinges somebody who will fight roberts and at the same time she ll be somebody who will not rile up the bases of the republicans too much. i think that you just gave away their strategy by not mentioning immigration. they don t want, yeah. let s take a look at why not. here are the numbers. they re devastating. immigratio
woman s right to choose. voting for the minimum wage. voting against war. voting against warrantless wiretapping. look at what i did on the stimulus package. look at what i did on comprehensive health insurance. on the votes you re in the well of the senate and you re thinking, and you know whether you say ayy or nay. i haven t made any mistakes on aye or nay. voting for judge alito, voting for judge roberts, voting for judge scalia. are you a with the way that clarence thomas turned out as a supreme court associate justice? clarence thomas, let s take that example. are you happy with him? i made my best judgment at time. but i m not going to renew those votes. i m happy with the vote i cast against bajork. i m happy with the vote they cast in favor of breyer. i lead the fight for sotomayor. yeah. in this line of work you analyze it, you make your best judgment.
from that sharp edge, big-change guy. well, yes and no. i mean look, i think the reason on the court pick is because he still wants to get one or two more big things out of this congress. he look the white house is not stupid. they know this could be the last three months that they have this type of advantage. i see. in a congress. so if he wants to do energy and if he wants to do financial reform, those two big things, he can t clog up the system when the controversial court nominee, and i think that s why he went with some people call her the safe choice, i say it s a comfortable choice. he s comfortable in he thinks she s going to be somebody who will fight roberts and at the same time she ll be somebody who isn t going to rile up the base of the republicans so much. i think that you just gave away their strategy by not mentioning immigration. they don t want, yeah. let s take a look at why not. here are the numbers. they re devastating. immigration among all adults.