EA’s subscription service, EA Play, has added a couple of games this month. The service already offers a number of titles but members now have a recent football title as well as a release from the Star Wars series. Here is what’s new to EA Play in March as well as some news and more:
A Way Out, Battlefield (1, 3, 4, Bad Company 2, Hardline, and V), Burnout Paradise Remastered, Crysis (1, 2, and 3), Dead Space (1, 2, and 3), Dragon Age (Origins, II, and Inquisition, Fe, Jade Empire, Mass Effect (1, 2, 3, and Andromeda) Medal of Honor, Medal of Honor: Airborne, Mirror’s Edge and Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Need for Speed, Need for Speed Heat, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Need for Speed Payback, and Need for Speed Rivals, Peggle, Peggle Nights, Plants vs. Zombies and Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville, Rocket Arena, Sea of Solitude, SimCity 4, Spore, The Sims 3, The Sims 4, Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefront II, Titanfall 2, Unravel
4 Best Xbox One Boxing Games Of All Time
There are few and far between boxing video games available in the marketplace. It’s a real bummer as I personally enjoy the sport, but more importantly, loved the Fight Night franchise. I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve sunk into Fight Night Round 3 and just how often I find myself going back to that game today. It’s an iconic series and it’s unfortunate that EA just doesn’t have the love for the IP these days.
While the Xbox One and Microsoft company has boasted the backward compatibility aspect to their Xbox One console along with the latest Xbox Series X/S platforms, it’s a shame that some of those boxing video game titles that were present in earlier Xbox console generations just didn’t make the cut. If you were hoping to enjoy games like the Fight Night series then you’re only left with one. However, we are going to do our best here and offer some games that may help scratch that boxing itch of yours.
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Que lastima que nadie hable de immortal fenix rising.
AlexBrb19848Hace 3 meses2
Inmortals para Switch, Crash para Xbox y Persona 5 para Play son las mejores ofertas. Por mi parte al final en vez de Valhalla caen Inmortals y Crash para Papá Noel y Reyes
Que lastima que nadie hable de immortal fenix rising.
Juegazo!! Lo terminé el pasado fin de semana y me ha encantado. Para mi de los tapados de este año.