if you say the opposite, which is exactly what the bush we are continuing to fighere. we re continuing to fight the bush administration in court over title 40 to tryde to keep that in place.m lawsui they created this sham lawsuit where two illegalst sued and and then the bush administration doesn t even fight it. and this is this stration is the way they deal with title 40 , too. we ve also fought to keepwe f remain in mexico in place because that s really the loophole that they re using. by allowing the cartels to literally handle as many people as possible and then just say, oh, the magic word is asylum. and now everybody gets to bed is transported by administration all over the country.. so we have to continue to fightg the two major policies that are protecting the country until we get a wall built. i mean, that reallycredib is the difference. the credible fear standard. they change that. and the obama biden white housen and now biden, harris are doinge the same thing. they ve cha