Fifty Years Ago This Week: U.S. Rep. Wayne Aspinall, D-CD4, was honored by the Mesa County Jane Jefferson Club in a special “Wayne Aspinall Night” meeting.
Fifty Years Ago This Week: Speaking at the National Education Association’s 100th convention at Denver City Auditorium, NEA President Ewald Turner said that the key problem facing education was the
Fifty Years Ago This Week: Speaking at the National Education Association’s 100th convention at Denver City Auditorium, NEA President Ewald Turner said that the key problem facing education was the
Fifty Years Ago This Week: At an informal talk in Denver, former U.S. District Attorney Charles Vigil, who served as Colorado’s U.S. attorney during the Truman administration (1949-1953), expatiated on
Fifty Years Ago This Week: U.S. Sen. John Carroll said that if he had anything to say in the matter, the Aurora 7 space capsule would be turned over to