i know people are very upset and rightly so about inflation. but there s nothing to suggest that inflation is it? it s recession is in the works. i believe there is a path through this that entails a soft landing with the economy essentially stabilizing. well, how s that sock landing feeling to you guys out there tonight? how does that woman still have a job when so many americans are now at a risk of losing their jobs? well, we know why she became the first woman in the two hundred and thirty two year history of the u.s. department of treasury to hold that position. oh, come on . being a first was always more important to biden than someone actually being the best. and now we re all suffering for all the incompetence. now, the dow is seven hundred and forty six points lower than it was on inauguration day for biden. so that means all the gains that we made under trump, we re totally wiped out. and that s before you account for inflation. and by the way, things are about
the now, this is a story that unfolds in three parts. first, the fraud.st yes just yesterday, wete learned tht nearly four hundred department of homeland security employees took pandemiarly 400c unemploymt even though they were working. but my friends, this is justinyc a teeny tiny fraction of the massive in brazen coviden theft that has occurred since d the government started doling out billions in so-called relief. the official who s in chargeh of overseeing the distribution of the relieributionf has calleh the biggest fraud inbigges a generation. t frau it was the theft of asc as 80 billion dollars, or about 10% of the eight hundred billion dollars that was handed out in that paycheck protection program. now,in tha remember, that s on l the 90 billion to four hundredio billion believed to have been stolen from the nine hundred billion covid unemploy payment relief program. that s a lot of money. the second part of this story surrounds the tidal wave of inflatiotle n tha
zeldin is going to joioin us wih more on the state s insane zero bail laws that are now t putting y in the state in danger. and believe it or not, i know you might not. there is a chance a republican can actually win the governorship in a bluee state like new york .li we ll tell you why. but we begin with a new record for the biden administration this year. i guess it s tim.e to celebratei if you re pro open borders, because for the first time in us history, we have nowe now reported over two millioren illegal immigrant crossings at our southern border, breakin 2g by the way, last year s record high of one point seven million. in other wordsof, after vowing o address the root causes of mass illegal immigration well, i and appointing his vice president as border czargr, the crisis has become even worse than you can believe. nown , apparently, his only trip to the southern border, which really wasn t where thingss an are happening. just a quick trip through el quk paso just l
and of course, the search and rescue operations are underway. first responders, they have been mobilized. emergency crewd ems doinge tr everything they can to rescuent those that are trappedinue as residents. now continue to suffer under the devastating storm surgesurg from naples to sarasota, forts o myers, beyond the storm is now barreling towards the coast of b south carolina. dsit looks to be headed straight towards charleston, will have full coverage throughout the night tonight. but first, as we have shown you on this program night after night, your presiden aftert, its the president of the united states of america, joe biden,tae is not weln is il. he is weak, is frail, frankly decrepit. is deteriorating cognitively p at a pretty rapired pacetty . and he s not fit to be the commander in chief yesterday. whankly,mmander- may have been joe biden s lowest moment yet,ic which is kind of saying a lot during a white house event on combating hunger, which honored the late indi
n ordered to evacuate as hurricane rita now is bearing down on the state shr gulf coast in just a moment.t. florida governor rhonda santos will join us first herest with the very latest from thisrs category three storm weather. in meteorologist ian oliver is with us in thisoliver. looks like it s going to be a direct hit right over. looks like somewhereoks li nortr fort myers, right towards tampa. yeah, anywhere from naples. igto the southern part of tampa bay, the mouth of tampa bay: stl still a reasonable scenaril o ao here. this is a monster of a storm, still a category three , as your mentioned,ee max, winds at 120we miles per hour. we actually had this inner eye wall that s been degrading, but there s an outer one that s forming. what that does is it spreads out the wind field overh a much larger area. we ve seen these impacts starttw already. tornado warnings throughouarnint the afternoon and evening across much of south florida. we ve got some active onesh flom right