MUHLENBERG TWP., Pa. â At its Monday night meeting, the Muhlenberg Township commissioners approved the 2021 budget and tax rate.
Residents will continue to pay 5 mills, or $5 for every $1,000 of assessed property value. The owner of a property assessed at $100,000, for example, will have an annual property tax bill of $500.
Commissioner Michael Malinowski addressed the spending plan at the brief virtual meeting. We did not raise taxes for the sixth year in a row, Malinowski said. That s a tremendous accomplishment for a community of this size and for the services we offer.
Commissioner John Imhoff also praised the township in a year-end statement.
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Berks County buildings will close at noon on Wednesday, Dec. 16, due to the impending snowstorm. The countyâs 24/7 operations will continue and follow their departmentâs inclement weather policy.
County officials will be closely monitoring the weather as the storm develops throughout Wednesday and will make a decision by 7 p.m. regarding operations on Thursday, Dec. 17.
Snow emergencies
Muhlenberg Township: in effect Wednesday, Dec. 16, 8 a.m. to Thursday, Dec. 17, noon.
Residents that live along a posted Snow Emergency Route are required to relocate their vehicles from the street to make it accessible for emergency service vehicles in the event they are needed. Vehicles that remain on a posted snow emergency route are subject to traffic citations/towing.