maybe she can give get into the atlantic floor. look, we b have a fox news alert. sorry to break in tonight. recoy his four bnall year old granddaughter, naomiis hunter, biden s love child. in a statement to people, the president says thi apolitict a political issue. it s a family matter, jill. and i only want what s forg navy all our grandchildren, including navy. oh, well, that s nice. little late, but better late than never. does that mean she getss a christmar perhs cookie or pers a stocking at the white house next year? lng up later year? well, well, we ll have to check on that. we ll see. m granting thrall right. i m going to do three wishes. oh, good. okay we are . my well, i know we reou tight tonight, so here we got my first. ifo you re to rob a bankou wou and you re on ohio, i wish you wouldn t maklde the recyclig bin. your accomplice on the ground ground, hands behind your back. e wa
liberals, they would be out of shape. fat. they d have a really bad haie ar job and some very crude piercings. but that sr dy a republican bodt she works out. that s i the. i m sorry, you didn t get any applause there. bu there.t what for your red meat? no, i just i m not sure that the ad will have its intended effectat, because i think that there s probably a lot of men out there that would love to tell women were against the law. yeah, it s. i know. they re like, all right, actuvote republican noow.w. well, guy, you know ifo do they actually had to do the legitimate it ad they couldn t do it like it s not about it s about abortionit sabou. , ho so if they actually wanted to do the skit, how would they do that ski dt? because they d have to actually show somebody being abortion guy get kenne thes at thought but probably a correct one. and that s just ridiculousne. it s one is trying to ban birth control. it s not happening. ng.lepeople even having in ohir
it wasn t you. it wasn t. and it was somebody with a piano. kat: yod. ody with a bear i told them when they walked in the green room to your face, flush the toiletn roomo your. ef that s not rude of me. you know it s rude to all over my workplace t. etting i m used to getting on. i ll, you pay for that. i do. f i do pay for that.or t you know what? showhaso wha? e so it s in this studio. so it s a show that tapes in tap the studio. they know who they are. well, i m just saying, you know, ifo maybe we can o get the secret service on thiswd . you didn t need the secret service. the dude just walked out like, oh, this is fine oike thisfine, you were swearing. well, i didn t know why he was w being said. i was walking in when he washe walking, he was going, wow, really? oh, yeah. k. e one with the problem i cleaned up after him. not even a thank you. well, i think. i think if he s watching and he was like fox get me a fruit basket or something. we ll call it. good. yeahit
to. can you tell us once and for all that this did s did not belg to the biden family, her outragage, youe, you know, betr because she her answeris is we e been clear the biden family was not. mily well, i don t know how true that is, because the biden familye on there on friday and y found the cocaine on friday. suw, as a prosecutor, let me add that on sundaynd they wereso there for the cocaine. yeah, they found that on sunday. but so now i l t.pu my prosecutor hat on. a e sayse and he saysance i to me, we ve got a schedule to a controlled substancthee in the white house, most secure house it should be in the countre wy and we want to prosecute it. where s the site of the crime? well, it s in the library nowel. or maybe it s in the west wing i and one of those cages there? no. roe it was in the situation. we might throw that cop out in a second. and ifo get it were to get it, e defense attorney would come in and say, your honor, this musty be dismissed. they re clearly playing
world country, not in our department of justice. and,and by the way, the tell on the whistleblower is heo said, well, if you don t believe me, here are six other witnesses who heard the same thi thing at the same time. why would he volunteer that ifo to grindner.tical and we re just making up something? he s not a whiner. he s coming ouhe s ct with spec. details that are very, very troubling. troubling. listen, this listens isn isn t about whether hunter biden goes to jail. he s a tragic case. a tragic cas the underlyingg la and lack of integrity here. i still wanckt to hold hope p that merrick garland is being misled by people like lisa monacomerric and andrew weissmat acolyte and so on within the department of justice. hement as a judge on a case i h i thought he was an extraordinary judge. ary judg thothought he had grea i don t understand. he certainly can tdon t any longer that this is the equal application of the law. and that s laura a fundamental principle that americans ha