The two students who were injured on Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024, during their rehearsal for their contingent’s Sinulog sa Dakbayan performance over the weekend at the Cebu City Sports Center (CCSC) after an LED panel collapse are now in stable condition.
EACH January, locals and visitors look forward to the Sinulog Festival, hailed as the “grandest in the country.” Yet, amid the excitement, confusion persists and questions abound: Is Sinulog just another name for Fiesta Señor?
Locals and visitors look forward to the Sinulog Festival, hailed as the “grandest in the country,” held every January. Yet, amid the excitement, confusion persists, especially for the first-timers.
Devotees, young and old, from Cebu and other parts of the world visit the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño in Cebu City to venerate the image of Señor Sto. Niño especially in the days leading to His feast day.
As thousands of Catholic faithful are expected to attend the religious activities set for the Fiesta Señor 2024 celebrations, emergency lanes have been set up in certain areas inside the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu.