Captain Bob Walker-Brown had parachuted into this remote part of northern Italy with 33 members of the SAS under his command. Their mission was to wreak utter havoc and mayhem.
There are many tales of the daring exploits of commandos during World War II. However, not all of them come from the Allied side of the conflict. The Gran Sasso Raid is one such event, and involved were some of the rarest arms of the war.
This is the way CNN commemorated Memorial Day in 2015, with a story they called, “The General Who Apologized to the Dead Soldiers on Memorial Day.”“At the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery at Nettuno, Italy, Memorial Day 1945 was an elegiac occasion. Lt. Gen. Lucian Truscott Jr., who had led the U. S. S.
(June 24, 2022) This week, 80 years ago, the Italian Duce had just written a letter to the German Führer asking for fuel for the Regia Marina Italia for the