Jenny Morgan, Entering the Field At Night
Jenny Morgan s paintings are a striking combination of realism and surrealism––creating mesmerizing female faces on canvas. I think painting is a kind of magic, Morgan says. In her upcoming solo exhibition, To Bathe the World in a Strange Light at Mother Gallery in Beacon––opening on April 17––Morgan explores the notion of a mental landscape playing with different sides of femininity like witchcraft and spirituality. I am looking for that spirit and ghost in people, that emotion and that invisible energy, Morgan says. Morgan painted
Entering the Field at Night during March and April of last year, just as the lockdown began. I worked on this piece deep into the new orb of isolation, she says. Living in the city is isolating in itself, and I think that many people turn to painting landscapes because we crave it. There s the idea of being in a field in this sort of