said i d kill you last i lied and we re going to have a long conversation about that. let talk about our feelings. it the same thing as with the fieft set. if there s a standard you re expected to do with the job, then l you re male or female, you have to meet it. but it seems if you re in a burning building and some 10 pound person is not physically strong to enough to drag you out, i don t care what their gender is. i just feel like hey, i m in a lot of trouble here. one special ops person letting people in is the air ops pilots. would you join or do you hate america? no, my eyesight is too bad. i can t do it. flat feet? that too. my scoliosis. most fee may soldiers don t want combat jobs. if you re a woman who did, wouldn t you ant to be held to the same standard and pass the same rigorous training as the