you have faced down these fighters. you know how they ended up in this circumstance. what kind of other positions would be required to make any change in the circumstance we find ourselves in right now? when he says other options, what he s talking about, doing what is called a foreign intern am defense mission or fid. s.e.a.l.s do fid. special forces do fid. and also government contract agencies do fid. it was to did he into the countriesed a tra ed and train militias to be better soldiers, we equip them we ve already spent $15 billion in iraq. we might as well throw in another amount of money to helping this you cause. the fact that iran is sending
part of it just like every other fid r federal employee. you doipts have the state of kansas dealing with your health care. so if it s good enough for you, why isn t it good enough for everybody else in kansas. i agree with you. put everybody on the federal employee health care plan. but what this does. you said you don t want the federal government running health care. no. give them the same option, same choices every member of congress has. but if the president s going to mandate obamacare for kansans, why doesn t he sign up for the dc exchange. under the affordable care act you do have options. but the president will not live under it. kathleen sebelius will not sign up for the obamacare exchange. where i come from in kansas you have to lead by example. why don t you experiment first
thanks. that does it for this edition. thanks for hanging with us. we ll see you tomorrow. your fid focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy. if you believe in the sheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do: face time and think time make a difference. join us. [ male announcer ] at edward jones, it s how we make sense of investing. yeah. try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i m feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief!
sexual harassment claims. remember, he is a hugger. they re looking into a possible recall effort against him. tuesday, opening arguments in the court-martial for fort hood shooter major nidal malik hasan, accused of killing 13, wounding dozens more in a 2009 rampage. facing the death penalty if they convict him. on this day in 1693, the world got a little bubblier with a french monk, dom perfect in i don t mean. first discovered champagne, probably more myth than fact. at the time, the famous holy man was living in france and fid egg with a way to make white wine with grapes. somewhere he hit on something special. the bubbly began to throw 320 years ago today. that s how fox reports sunday august 4th, 2013. a busy news weekend. here all night with prime time updates. i am harris faulkner.
preceding. he was looking around. he kept touching his face. fid getting and ignoring what was going on. the judge was speaking to him. he didn t look at her. as the charges were read, he did stand up and said not guilty to each charge and said it, anderson, in a russian accent. after court, i ran into a couple of his wrestling buddies from high school and they said they were stunned. he never had a russian accent and came to court because they wanted to see if this was the same guy. they said it wasn t, between the russian accent and moving and fhe wasn t the same guy. i wounder the idea behind the russian accent. fascinating. let s get caught up on other stories. randi kaye has the 360 news bullet bulletin. the cockpit crew of asiana airlines said not to evacuate.