minimum payment every month when it comes in, you re not paying it off in full, you need to understand that as the feds continue to raise interest rates, and they are going to, the interest rate that is on your credit card is going to go up and up, making it that much harder for you to get out. so you have got to stop using your credit cards. you have got to stop charging. and it s really just that simple. if you have credit card debt today and it s at a high interest rate, you still may have a good fico score. for those of you out there that are like that, if i were you, i would try to do a balance transfer to a credit card that will lock in zero percent for you for like 21 months. that way, as the feds continue to raise interest rates, you re paying it off but it is zero percent interest rate.
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Credit rating, mortgages - Mortgage Matters - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.