According to the latest India Skills Report, over 50% of the Indian workforce requires immediate reskilling to remain relevant in the job market; this imperative applies equally to the tourism sector.
"Commitment to primary healthcare is strong and I look forward to the opportunity on to go in that direction. We are looking forward to a bigger partnership in secondary and tertiary care," Paul said. He also informed that India s doctor-population ratio is better than the World Health Organization s (WHO) benchmark of one doctor per thousand.
business reportersmall and medium enterprises (smes) have been utilising digital technology for various functions, with 60 per cent of them using it for human resources, 51 per cent for sales and marketing, and 48 per cent for fina
A report has shown that higher interest rates have led to a decrease in Current Account Savings Account (CASA) deposits, as savers are shifting towards term deposits. This shift has resulted in better margins for banks. The report also revealed that long-term credit demand has continued to grow in sectors such as infrastructure, textiles, and chemicals.